Uploading Files to DigitalOcean Spaces Discussion
Thanks Chris. This was very timely as I was just considering options on a file upload project at the moment.
There's a typo in your config/initializers/shrine.rb: `regioin` instead of `region`
EDIT: Oh, and there's `imag_tag` instead of `image_tag`
Hey. Digital Ocean spaces does have CDN capabilities so you can use it for such. :)
It now also has support for a custom subdomain for your space. i.e. instead of something.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com your url can be mycdn.mydomain.com.
However I'm trying to run this and receiving
"Aws::S3::Errors::SignatureDoesNotMatch in PhotosController#create"
Do you probably know how to upload files correctly now?
Hey 1mehal, I know this was posted a few years back but were you able to get past this error?
Your method sounds good, we use Gs Richcopy 360, which saves time, and copy files from local or clouds to Digital Ocean easily and quickly.
Also, ShareGate is considered