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Bundler's New Ruby Version File Option Discussion

Quick note, some of the documentation for some Ruby version managers (such as chruby which I use) instruct users to store the string literal "ruby-x.x.x" with the version in the .ruby-version. If you get an error like:

[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: Illformed requirement ["ruby-3.x.x"]. Bundler cannot continue.

it means you probably have the string in there. Just update your .ruby-version to ONLY have the version and not the "ruby-" string prefix.

I use Heroku, so had to use the fallback approach, which really isn't that much of a fallback IMO, only requires a few more character.

I can't believe I never thought about this! So simple once you see it. Now I have a singular source of truth for my Ruby version :)

Chruby readme reference:


You could also use delete_prefix so you can leave the .ruby-version file as-is. 👍

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