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How do I add a comment to the thread that explains how to install Rails?

Anna Naden asked in General

I successfully followed the instructions from this platform for setting up Rails on Ubuntu 22.04. It went well, but there were one or two "gotchas" that would could have defeated persons not completely familiar with ssh and github. I wanted to share tips about that but, although comments are present, there appears to be absolutely no way to add a comment. Why was the thread closed?


The most typical justification for ending a thread is when the initial question has been addressed and more discussion is unnecessary. The moderators may have decided that the thread already has all the necessary advice.


After looking over the website in search of a more convenient or time-saving method to finish this task, I believe that this, which can be found at the following poppy playtime is the most appropriate option available on the website to perform it successfully.

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