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Not all ActionCable broadcasts broadcasting

RJ McCollam asked in Rails

I have an app that successfully has ActionCable implemented and working in production on Heroku.

We recently added an additional broadcast, but this wont broadcast no matter what I try.

Each user has their own channel and the new request looks like this:

ActionCable.server.broadcast("touch_point_channel:#{u&.touch_point_stream_id}", @soft_skill_evaluation.attributes.merge(author: author_name, type: "new_ess_completed"))

When testing locally I can see that ActionCable does broadcast as expected.

I have been banging my head against this issue for awhile and cannot understand why one broadcast works on production, but the other does not.

I am also unsure, from a logging standpoint, on where to see in the logs that broadcasts were sent in production.


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