Rails 5's ActionCable and Websockets Introduction | GoRails - GoRails
Thanks for this explaination, I just want to know what vim plugin you use to show that tooltip at 15:56. I beleive its ri documentation.
I'm actually using a suite of Vim plugins called Janus and I'm not sure what plugin it is that does that. It's definitely one of them listed here. Also I'm using MacVim which probably helps to provide that functionality. http://github.com/carlhuda/...
Thanks a lot ! It's hard to find fresh new on this very important topic for rails, and you do it very well. Really enthusiastic to see your next screencast on this topic :) !
Great episode. Before watch the episode, I have no ideas how ActionCable work, but after I watched the episode, I could have some ideas how it works. Keep postings more episode on the topic :)
Great screencast!! Can we use rabbitmq or zeromq in rails to develop this kind of chat app as alternative to Redis PUBSUB?
Thanks a lot for this screencast! I used this example for adding Action Cable functionality to my app and it is work great!
But, not I want deploy it on production, where I use Nginx and SSL. Could you help me, how I can update my Nginx that it will properly work with wss ?
I haven't personally run this in production yet, but you might check out this screencast. https://www.driftingruby.co...
What about a simple twitch clone as an example :)
That would be killer! This would be better for the chat portion of twitch, but the actual video streaming wouldn't be done using websockets.
You're great!!! But what you suggest in deployment? Have i to change puma with something else?
I still need to walk through deploying this to production, but you should be able to use Puma just fine in production.
Great Screencasts. Can you please make a video for production environment with Nginx + Puma + Capistrano.
Does this make the use of something like angular pointless?
Definitely not pointless as you'll still need to build a frontend but this will help you interface with Rails a bit easier.