Rails for Beginners Part 1: Installing Ruby on Rails Discussion
Hi Chris, i have a question, currently have rvm on my machine, do you think i can get problems if i install also rbenv to install ruby 3.0.0?
I'd say it is generally preferable to have either rvm or rbenv installed on your machine, but not both.
If you want to make the switch to rbenv, you'll find articles or gists on your favorite search engine such as https://dev.to/krtb/why-and-how-i-replaced-rvm-with-rbenv-23ad or https://gist.github.com/traumverloren/fa5c30056319992c4dab
Using RVM is just fine! Don't worry about switching to rbenv if you're already on RVM.
I'm coming back to Rails after many years. I had the exact same question! The article that surfaced when I searched was https://duseev.com/articles/rbenv-vs-rvm/ I'll also read the two recommended by Pierre-Loïc. Thank you for those leads. Getting RVM off my system looks like an intimidating undertaking. :-(
Best to stick with the one that is working now. I made the switch and it took awhile to clean out the system. Caused a few headaches.
I ran rbenv install 3.0.3
(followed by rbenv global 3.0.3
) and it returned the following:
Downloading openssl-1.1.1l.tar.gz...
-> dqw8nmjcqpjn7.cloudfront.net/0b7a3e5e59c34827fe0c3a74b7ec8baef302b98fa80088d7f9153aa16fa76bd1
Installing openssl-1.1.1l...
Installed openssl-1.1.1l to /Users/isaactait/.rbenv/versions/3.0.3
Downloading ruby-3.0.3.tar.gz...
-> cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/3.0/ruby-3.0.3.tar.gz
Installing ruby-3.0.3...
ruby-build: using readline from homebrew
Installed ruby-3.0.3 to /Users/isaactait/.rbenv/versions/3.0.3
However, when I run ruby -v
it returns ruby 2.6.8p205 (2021-07-07 revision 67951) [universal.x86_64-darwin21]
Why am I running a version I did not install? On a Mac 12.2.1
I found a comment from a user having the same issue in the "Install Ruby & Rails Guide" above. The following fixed the issue for me:
After setting the global version, I needed to close the terminal, open another, run rbenv rehash
It is best to continue using what is currently effective. The system needed time to be cleaned after I made the transition. gave me a headache.
The user experience of the website is very bad how we can switch between episodes ?
There is a 'Next Arrow' ( > ) at the top right of the page that will take you to the next video in the series but I prefer to start from 'https://gorails.com/start' where you can see all of the videos in the series and then right click and open each new video on a new tab and then close after finishing the video and then going back to the list and click on the next video.
I'm not sure if this is Small's experience, but the Next Arrow always goes to video 2, then disappears as if video 2 is the last in the series.
I follow a similar pattern as Eric, but it does feel a bit like a hack.
Otherwise, this is a great series! Thanks for making this free, Chris!
I cant see any videos other than the Pro ones about making an http server from scratch ? Where are the rest of the videos ?