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What is the best configuration for VScode for Rails Development alongside JS

Surya Teja Reddy asked in Tips

Hey Guys, So I'm actually trying to properly setup VS code for rails, But I am not able to make it as perfect as I set it up for JS or other languages.

Currently, I am using rubocop, selenium, ruby extensions pack,

Still I am not able to achieve first hand support for *.erb files

What are your prefered extension ?


To optimize the working process when editing Rails code together with JS, certain extensions and settings in VSCode should be selected for the best performance. Organizing such setups may be tiresome that is why assignment help is of great advantage to students that are involved in coding as it will not compromise their class work hence ensure they master the two areas.


I recommend using a library like Dropzone.js or Uppy.js for multiple file uploads with a nice JS interface. These libraries make it easy to drag and drop files, show progress bars, and handle file uploads asynchronously. Let me know if you need help implementing this. geometry dash subzero


To set up VS Code for Rails, use extensions like Ruby for syntax highlighting and debugging, Solargraph for autocomplete and type checking, and Rails Routes for managing routes. For .erb files, install ERB Formatter for syntax support and formatting, and HTML End Tag Labels for better HTML handling. Pair these with RuboCop and debugging tools like Selenium for a robust Rails setup.


Hi, setting up VS Code for Rails can be a little tricky. You can try installing the "Rails" and "ERB" extensions for better support for *.erb files. This weekend, relax a little with Snow Rider 3D a great way to relieve stress after hours of hard work!

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