How to build a complete, real-world application from scratch with Ruby on Rails step by step.
A lot of Ruby code is "magic". We'll explain the magic and see how it works using the powerful tools Ruby gives us.
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Learn how CSS and Javascript frameworks should be added to Rails applications
A look at how to supercharge your debugging and solve errors faster than ever
Techniques for taking your database models and using attributes to generate pretty urls
A look into how pagination works from scratch and how to use will_paginate
Using Rails to upload files manually and how you can do it even cleaner using Carrierwave
A look into user accounts, registration, login, forgot your password, and more
Learn how to keep track of your database models and attributes with comments in your application
Advanced techniques on sending emails over SMTP with local views and Mandrill's API with remote templates
A look into the popular CanCanCan library to add authorization to your Rails app
A guide to authorization with Pundit including a walkthrough of how to lock down your application, actions, and use default policies
Learn how to soft delete records instead of deleting them permanently from your database
How to plan and build a newsletter sign up form
Learn how to use the state_machine gem to keep track of objects in your Rails apps
Learn how to build a dedicated admin area in your Rails app for editing records by admins using the ActiveAdmin gem
Now that the Paperclip gem has been deprecated, it's recommended that you migrate your apps to ActiveStorage
Adam McCrea walks through using Phlex to build components for views in your Rails applications. Phlex is a Ruby gem for building fast object-oriented HTML and SVG components using Ruby constructs: methods, keyword arguments and blocks.
Learn how to run scheduled (nightly, weekly, monthly) jobs using cron on your server with the Whenever gem
The new admin gem from Thoughtbot shows some promise for easy to customize admin interfaces in your Rails app
Learn how to invite users to your application with devise_invitable
Learn how to use sentimental analysis against text inside your application and cache it so you can query against it later
We take the Leaderboard gem and wire it up with custom code to work seamlessly with will_paginate