Adam Wylie


340 Experience
3 Lessons Completed
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Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

solved: my issue was a link_to in the partial being rendered by broadcast_replace_to
Chris spotted my issue right away, i switched the offending instance variables to locals - all working super well now.

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

Hi guys, has anyone tried broadcasting from a model (or a background Active Job worker, in my case using Shoryuken) for a resource that is nested.

broadcast_replace_to is complaining about /project/:project_id/files/:id missing keys (e.g. project_id) for the resources show route

Hi everyone, in application.html.erb, should our stylesheet and script pack tags be annotated with 'data-turbo-track': 'reload' or 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' after switching to hotwire/turbo?

I just upgraded to Hotwire/Turbo today and am in the same situation. Still learning the ropes with Turbo, but it does seem wrapping forms with turbo frame tags in existing applications is generally not a workable solution.