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Charlie Kay


1,420 Experience
5 Lessons Completed
1 Question Solved


Good tutorial Chris!
at 10:25 I am getting bellow error from console.log
Any idea why this is happening, please?

Error invoking action "scroll@window->infinite-scroll#scroll"
TypeError: "this.paginationTarget.querySelector(...) is null"
scroll infinite_scroll_controller.js:9
invokeWithEvent binding.js:52
handleEvent binding.js:29
handleEvent event_listener.js:30


import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["entries", "pagination"]

scroll() {

let url = this.paginationTarget.querySelector("a[rel='next']").href

var body = document.body,

html = document.documentElement
var height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight)

if (window.pageYOffset >= height - window.innerHeight - 100) {


loadMore(url) {

  type: 'GET',
  url: url,
  dataType: 'json',
  success: (data) => {




<%= render "posts" %>
<%== pagy_nav @pagy %>

Posted in Repost / Retweet / Reblog Discussion

Thanks for the quick response Chris.
I have tried @tweet.tweets.count on the tweet show page but I'm getting an error " undefined method `tweets' for #Tweet:0x007ffcab0608d8
Did you mean? tweet
tweet= "

This is showing in the console

=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Tweet id: 1, user_id: 1, body: "First tweet", tweet_id: nil, created_at: "2018-09-06 04:14:56", updated_at: "2018-09-06 04:14:56">, #<Tweet id: 2, user_id: 2, body: "second tweet", tweet_id: nil, created_at: "2018-09-06 04:16:58", updated_at: "2018-09-06 04:16:58">, #<Tweet id: 3, user_id: 2, body: nil, tweet_id: 1, created_at: "2018-09-06 04:25:34", updated_at: "2018-09-06 04:25:34">, #<Tweet id: 4, user_id: 1, body: nil, tweet_id: 2, created_at: "2018-09-06 04:54:44", updated_at: "2018-09-06 04:54:44">, #<Tweet id: 5, user_id: 1, body: nil, tweet_id: 2, created_at: "2018-09-09 12:09:01", updated_at: "2018-09-09 12:09:01">

Apart from this, everything else work fine for me in this tutorial.

Posted in Repost / Retweet / Reblog Discussion

Any help on this please; how can I count the number of times the original tweet has been retweeted?

Posted in Showing Full Country Name in Global Autocomplete

How can I fetch a full country name in the search.json.jbuilder. I am using the Country_select gem and autocomplete results is showing only a country short code like GB for United Kingdom.

Here is my code in the search.json.jbuilder:
json.movies do
  json.array!(@movies) do |movie| movie.title.titleize + " " + "in" + " " +
    json.url movie_path(movie)

 def country_name
    country =


Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

How can I fetch a full country name in the search.json.jbuilder. I am using the Country_select gem and autocomplete results is showing only a country short code like GB for United Kingdom.

Here is my code in the search.json.jbuilder:
json.movies do
  json.array!(@movies) do |movie| movie.title.titleize + " " + "in" + " " +
    json.url movie_path(movie)

 def country_name
    country =

Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

Hi Chris I want to add a second search field to the search form, say to search for the location of the Directors. Just like, where you can enter the search term and the location in different text fields. Could you please help on how to write the ransack logic in the form and the main_controller?  
Thanks a lot Jack! It should be 'ad' in the show page instead of '@ad' and ads_controller:
def show
@related_ads = Ad.where(currency_id: @ad.currency_id)
This works fine.
Hi Chris I need your help on this please.  I'm trying to display related Ads on the Ad show page by currency. But somehow  my script displays the same Ad in multiples of related Ads and not showing the actual related Ads. 

belongs_to :currency

has_many :ads

Ads Controller
def show
@related_ads = Ad.where.not(currency_id: @ad.currency_id)

<% @related_ads.each do |ad| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>


Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

Hi Chris, I'm trying to get my search form back to mobile responsive.
data: { behavior: "autocomplete" } in the form triggers easy-autocomplete functionality. But the search form/layout becomes mobile unresponsive when I add "data: { behavior: "autocomplete" } " Please do you know how I can fix this in the easy-autocomplete css file?

<%= form_with url: search_path, local: true, method: :get, :class => "" do |form| %>
<div class="input-group m-b-20">
<%= form.text_field :q, placeholder: "Search and select or hit enter", data: { behavior: "autocomplete" }, class: "form-control input-lg" %>

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg"></button>

<% end %>

Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

Hey Omar, in your gem file change rails gem to the latest: gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.1' or higher
consol: bundle update
Restart your rails application
Hope this works for you

Posted in Repost / Retweet / Reblog Discussion

Thanks Chris! Sure, would love to see the follow and following relationship added to this in future.

Finally this works:
@posts =, page: params[:page], per_page: 10)

Posted in Liking Posts Discussion

Hi Chris, I implemented this liking posts and it was working fine until I added Friendly_ids to the urls.
When adding the friendly_ids , the show action in Posts controller was changed from @post = Post.find(params[:id]) to @post = Post.find_by slug: params[:id]. I have tried replacing under the likes_create/destroy to post.slug but it doesn't work.
Can you please advice on how to fix this?

How can I add 'will paginate' to the search results... in class PostsController < ApplicationController?
I currently have this;

if query = params[:post_search].presence || "*"
@posts =, suggest: true)

Posted in Liking Posts Discussion