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Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

When I try to use .easyAutocomplete from console I get this error:

TypeError: $('input').easyAutocomplete is not a function. (In '$('input').easyAutocomplete(options)', '$('input').easyAutocomplete' is undefined)

And I get this as well that call ????

http://localhost:3000/assets/easy-autocomplete.themes.cs... Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

http://localhost:3000/assets/ Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I follow this tutorial but I get these error... Thank you very much if someone know how solve it!

Posted in Call Api and Auto-Reload div.

have I to setup Action Calbe or a rake job or something else or directly with javascript/jquery?

Thank you very much!!!

Posted in Call Api and Auto-Reload div.


I want to setup a script that calls api from various webistes and retrieve data every n seconds.

I'd like to setup a page where data(numbers) are showing auto-reload constantly.

Which is the best method to do this? Have I to create the script in the controller or directly with javascript?

Have I setup an auto-reload div or something similar for the live reload?

Thank you.

Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

Great tut!

What if I want to put a thumb near the text?
