Ahmed Althani
120 Experience
0 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved
Thanks for your help Chris :) !!!
I have watched the mandrill tutorial. I just have a quick question. How can i link the list on mandrill or any email service with the users emails (when the user signs up ) and update the list whenever someone signs up ? Thanks
Posted in Activity Feed with Public Activity Gem ?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the tutorial. It really helped me a lot. Can you please post a video about How to install the public activity gem to show all the activities done by the user. Thanks a lot again.
Posted in Advanced Search, Autocomplete and Suggestions with ElasticSearch and the Searchkick gem Discussion
Thanks for the tutorial. I tried to install elasticsearch but i get an error. I explained the full error in this post http://goo.gl/cqVFyl in stackoverflow.