You should be able to do this with the Apartment gem. Check out the docs, specifically this section
Posted in Sortable Drag and Drop Discussion
Here's another implementation that avoids excess queries and lets you use the standard update controller action. It uses the insert_at method that acts_as_list provides to move the item within the list:
# app/models/question.rb
def new_position=(position)
Make sure to add :new_position to permitted params in questions controller
# coffeescript
$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
axis: 'y'
handle: '.handle'
update: (e, ui) ->
data = new FormData
data.append "question[new_position]", ui.item.index() + 1
url: "/questions/#{'question-id')}"
type: "PATCH"
data: data
Looks like you also have an extra param in that send method. It doesn't need to accept the to_phone_number since you have it in your initialize method. Also, you probably need to pass to_phone_number to your default_response method.