Rails 7 Users can fix the problem with this:
<%= form.submit "Sign Up",data: { turbo_frame: 'signup_frame'} %> for signup
and <%= button_to "Logout", logout_path, method: :delete, data: { turbo_frame: 'logout_frame', turbo_confirm: 'Are you sure?' } for logout
I have a "score" attribute in my "sheet" model which updates daily . and I need to calculate the "average_score(n)" . and add a search feature where the "user" can search for sheets where "average_score" for the last "n" number of days is "greater than" or "less than" or "equal to" 50 or some other number. how can I implement this feature?
Example - find the Sheets where average score for last 3 days [average_score(3)] is > 10
Posted in Installing Tailwind with Rails 7
The hamburger menu needs your own JS . You need to add an event listener to show and hide the menu . it is mentioned on the Tailwindui website check the heading of your snippet it says "Requires JS"
but what if the user remembers a valid previous JWT and sends a request even if he is logged out?
what is the right way to give the session destroy method with JWT in rails API?
hi , anyone knows how to logout (destroy method) from these JWTs