Andrés Howard


640 Experience
6 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Deploy Multiple Rails Apps to Same DigitalOcean Droplet?

Is there an updated version of this?

Posted in Docker Basics for Rails Discussion

Great episode thanks Chris!
Is there another one on Docker for deploying in production?

Update: the problem was a typo in app/views/users/_user.json.jbuilder, instead of defining sgid I wrote sgsid

I'm having trouble with saving mentions in the controller. When I do post_params I get

#<ActionController::Parameters {"body"=>"<div><figure data-trix-attachment=\"{&quot;content&quot;:&quot;<span class=\\&quot;mention\\&quot;>\\n  Jon Doe\\n</span>\\n&quot;}\" data-trix-content-type=\"undefined\" class=\"attachment attachment--content\"><span class=\"mention\">\r\n  John Doe\r\n</span>\r\n<figcaption class=\"attachment__caption\"></figcaption></figure> is awesome</div>"} permitted: true>

Then I create the post Post.create kudo_params. And when I do Post.last.body I get

"<div class=\"trix-content\">\n  <div> is awesome</div>\n</div>\n"

Where has the mention gone?, it disappeared and survived just the text. The whole text was @John Doe is awesome. Any help is welcomed!