Ryan V


2,160 Experience
21 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Having problems getting SSL cert w/Rails app from guide:


I was following this guide - https://gorails.com/guides/free-ssl-with-rails-and-nginx-using-let-s-encrypt - and i got past the error of

Package 'python-virtualenv' has no installation candidate

by running

apt-get install python3-virtualenv

I still am getting this response in terminal when trying to issue the cert -

sudo: /home/deploy/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt: command not found

Any suggestions for me?

Thanks again for making these guides, they're great for new people like me.


Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion

I'm having an issue at the end of deployment. I get this error:

00:07 deploy:assets:precompile
01 $HOME/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec rake assets:precompile
01 rake aborted!
01 URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): postgresql://deploy:nicetry@

Is there an issue with me using rails as API only mode? If so, I tried this according to a github issue I found:

In Capfile you add these lines (but it fails on migration after getting thru precompile) -

removed "require 'capistrano/rails'"

require 'capistrano/bundler'
require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'

I'm wondering if there's some general knowledge I'm missing that's preventing me from having a successful deployment. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

SOLVED: ok, just in case anyone else runs into this issue it's because i had special characters in my postgresql password. you can escape them or remove them.

additionally, since i was running an api i definitely had to make those changes to my capfile i listed above.